School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
Each year, every school in California must make their School Accountability Report Card (SARC) available for the public to view online. These report cards provide a snapshot of each school's performance for the given year and allow the public to compare one school to another using standardized measures.
Local Control and Accountability Plans
The Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) are designed to outline our schools’ actions and expenditures to support student outcomes and overall performance. The LCAPs are three-year plans, which are reviewed and updated annually. In the plans, charter schools must describe goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all students.
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans
The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) is a key part of the overall budget package for K-12 that seeks to address funding stability for schools while providing information at the local educational agency (LEA) level for how student learning continuity will be addressed during the COVID-19 crisis in the 2020–21 school year.
Among the areas the LCP is designed to address are:
Among the areas the LCP is designed to address are:
- Identifying and mitigating potential gaps in learning
- Providing access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning
- Establishing resources and supports to address student and staff well-being
Education Protection Account
Proposition 30 was approved by the voters of California in 2012 and grants all K-12 schools the sole authority to determine how the funds received from the Education Protection Account (EPA) are spent, but with the following provisions:
- The spending plan must be approved by the governing board during a public meeting.
- EPA funds cannot be used for the salaries or benefits of administrators or any other administrative costs (as determined through the account code structure).
- Each year, the local agency must publish on its website an accounting of how much money was received from the EPA and how the funds were expended.
Budget Overview for Parents
As part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are required to submit an annual LCFF Budget Overview for Parents. The purpose of this document is to help parents understand their district or LEA’s budget.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant
The Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant provides one-time funding, to help schools better support students, in seven areas: 1) Extending instructional learning time, 2) Accelerating progress to close learning gaps through the implementation, expansion, or enhancement of learning supports, 3) Integrated student supports to address other barriers to learning, 4) Community learning hubs that provide students with access to technology, high-speed internet, and other academic supports, 5) Supports for credit deficient students to complete graduation or grade promotion requirements and to increase or improve students’ college eligibility, 6) Additional academic services for students, and 7) Training for school staff on strategies to engage students and families in addressing students’ social-emotional health and academic needs.
To access our ELO Grant plans explaining how each school will use the funds to implement a learning recovery program that meets the grant requirements, please click on the links below.
To access our ELO Grant plans explaining how each school will use the funds to implement a learning recovery program that meets the grant requirements, please click on the links below.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. Each school is required to create an ELO-P Plan Guide that is board approved and made available for public inspection. To access our ELO-P Plan Guide, please click on the link below.
Proposition 28: The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act
On November 8, 2022, California voters approved Proposition 28: The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act. The measure required the state to establish a new, ongoing program supporting arts instruction in schools beginning in 2023–24.
The legislation allocates 1 percent of the kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) portion of the Proposition 98 funding guarantee provided in the prior fiscal year, excluding funding appropriated for the AMS education program. Local educational agencies (LEAs) with 500 or more students are required to ensure that at least 80 percent of AMS funds to be expended are used to employ certificated or classified employees to provide arts education program instruction. The remaining funds must be used for training, supplies and materials, and arts educational partnership programs, with no more than 1 percent of funds received to be used for an LEA’s administrative expenses.
An annual report must be board approved, submitted to the CDE through the Arts and Music in Schools Portal, and posted to the LEA's website.
The mandated information for this report includes:
The legislation allocates 1 percent of the kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) portion of the Proposition 98 funding guarantee provided in the prior fiscal year, excluding funding appropriated for the AMS education program. Local educational agencies (LEAs) with 500 or more students are required to ensure that at least 80 percent of AMS funds to be expended are used to employ certificated or classified employees to provide arts education program instruction. The remaining funds must be used for training, supplies and materials, and arts educational partnership programs, with no more than 1 percent of funds received to be used for an LEA’s administrative expenses.
An annual report must be board approved, submitted to the CDE through the Arts and Music in Schools Portal, and posted to the LEA's website.
The mandated information for this report includes:
- The number of full-time equivalent teachers, classified personnel, and teaching aides
- The number of pupils served
- The number of school sites providing arts education programs with AMS funds